• Commercial Printers, Label printers, Paper converters, Sheetmetal fabricators, Steel Service Centres, Proprietors of Granulating machines, Proprietors of Shredding machines
  • To restore a sharp cutting edge so as to enable machine knives to cut, slit, shear, granulate or shred the material in the most efficient and effective manner.
  • To sharpen a dull or blunt cutting edge to the original specification by means of specially designed grinding machines using the finest abrasives.
  • When is it required? Regularly, whenever the machine knives or blades become blunt or dull.
  • Large capacity – 3000 x 1000mm, and 5500 x 350mm swivel chuck

Knife Maintenance & Regrinding

  • For general improvement to cut quality and to reduce the amount of dust produced, it is important to regrind the knives to the correct specifications regarding : surface finish, axial runout and lateral runout.
  • We are able to check and monitor all these aspects to ensure that the knife is ready for use every time.
  • For optimum results, a surface finish of Ra 0.1 micron is recommended and radial and axial runouts of less than 0.025mm.
  • If you choose to regrind the knives in-house, please ensure that all mandrels and shafts are turning precisely and that knives fit onto the mandrels without any play. The knives must also be supported and clamped correctly to ensure there is no deformation.
  • Circular knives up 600mm diameter Straight knives up to 5500mm long.


Davis & Jenkins has late model precision grinding machines
  • 4 precision circular knife grinding machines.
  • 4 REFORM and GOECKEL precision straight knife grinding machines.
  • 1 Ajax Large capacity surface grinding machine (Magnetic table: 3000 x 1000 x 1040mm)
  • BENEFIT – our late model grinders produce a straight, flat bevel (no waviness). This means that the honed edge will be superior to a worn, small capacity machine.

Professional Knife Grinding Services

Davis and Jenkins have earned a reputation for providing Melbourne’s most efficient machine knife grinding. We provide precision work for commercial printers, label printers, paper converters, sheet metal fabricators, recyclers and much more. We are passionate about our work and love nothing more than seeing our valued clients equipped with the sharpest, most durable and precise cutting equipment.Our service is imperative for various Melbourne industries. From printing to sheet
metal fabrication, steel service centres and plastic recyclers, our work ensures that the finest cut, slit, shear or shred is always completed. We have the capacity to either resharpen to the material’s original sharpness or make it even sharper than its original specifications (depending on your needs).

Why enlist our precision offering?

Our team uses hi-tech machinery to ensure the finest sharpening service in Melbourne. Therefore, when you enlist us, you can expect the following:

  • Professionalism– We understand just how important this service is to your operation. After all, the industries we serve wouldn’t exist with blunt tooling, and so we work to ensure that your equipment is at its sharpest and most effective. We do so in a highly professional manner that ensures maximum efficiency.

Powering the online success of Australian Small Businesses

  • Technology– We’re not in our workshop with a chef’s sharpening stone. No, we are in the workshop with the most advanced industry technology, ensuring your instruments are ready to go with the finest precision. Our passion for the
    craft always ensures that we are ahead of the competition when it comes to enlisting world class technology.

Want to enlist our experts today?

If you need the best machine knife grinding service in Melbourne, or would like to find out more about our work, simply get in contact with our friendly team of staff. We are committed to providing an outstanding quality standard, and communication is part of that commitment.
Therefore, simply call us on +61 3 9499 2858 or submit an inquiry form via our contact page and we will reply with all the information you require!


We can guarantee a leading service for businesses throughout Australia, and do our job with skill and dedication. If you have any enquiries regarding our regrinding service, or a question about any of the products available at Davis and Jenkins, feel free to get in contact with our friendly team of staff.